37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” –The Gospel according to Mathew 25:37-40

St. George’s Food Pantry: Established in 1984, our Food Pantry serves an average of 300 people each week, providing nutritious foods for three meals for three days on Wednesdays mornings from 10-11. NO ONE IS TURNED AWAY. Contributions enable us to provide Christmas presents to our youngest guests. Faithful volunteers led by Alan Nucifore, order, pick up, pack and distribute food.
Additionally this important ministry is supported by the HPNAP (Hunger Prevention Nutritional Assistance Program), Episcopal Charities, The Warwick Foundation, the United Way, the Hudson Valley Food Bank, as well as parishioners, local foundations, businesses and students from the Newburgh Enlarged City School District. There’s a job for everyone, so please come join us!

Shepherd’s Kitchen at Good Shepherd/El Buen Pastor: Our deacon, the Rev. Deacon Vonnie Hubbard, and our Warden (Co-chair of our Vestry), Leslie Bogino Hoffman, coordinate this lunch ministry on Saturdays and Sundays; and St. George’s parishioners team up several times a month to prepare, serve and clean up after the noonday meal and fellowship. If you’re looking for a way to make a difference, volunteering at Shepherd’s Kitchen will fill you with thanksgiving, so come join our kitchen crew! No experience needed!

Newburgh Girl Power: This outreach ministry sponsored by St. George’s and Episcopal Charities provides a dynamic experience for adolescent girls (Ages 9-18) through personal empowerment, self-exploration, positive mentoring and life skills development in a linguistically and culturally sensitive setting. Girl Power alumnae are confident and independent thinkers equipped to become successful young leaders.

Loaves and Fishes: Newburgh Loaves and Fishes is a consortium of food pantries, soup kitchens and nonprofit agencies, co-founded by St. George’s, that tries to alleviate the devastating effects of poverty-induced malnutrition and hunger. Each Thanksgiving, St George’s parishioners help Loaves and Fishes purchase and distribute turkeys and “all the fixins” to more than 1100 needy families and individuals who live in the City of Newburgh.
Newburgh Habitat Episco-Build: Parishioners from fifteen Mid-Hudson Episcopal parishes, including St. George’s, come together to help Newburgh’s amazing Habitat affiliate. Our volunteers raise money and work on site on rehabilitation and construction of new homes for very low income families who provide sweat equity in order to achieve their dream of home ownership in various neighborhoods around the city.

Seamen’s Church Institute’s Christmas-at-Sea: Since 1898 the Seamen’s Church Institute’s volunteers have knitted hats and scarves for mariners at sea. Led by the talented knitters of our Senior Girls Friendly Society, St. George’s helps warm the hearts of mariners working away from home on Christmas day by contributing small treats such as lip balm, lotion, sweets, books, and gum.

American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem: St. George’s provides financial support for the American Friends clergy and lay missioners in their humanitarian work for Palestinian Christians, as well as for Christians in the nations surrounding Israel.

St. Luke’s School, Martel, Haiti: St. George’s provides financial support to L’ecole de St.-Luc in Martel, Haiti to help pay for teachers’ salaries and school supplies. Until St. Luke’s was built, the closest elementary school was five miles away, too far for the children to walk.