We come together in worship to acknowledge God’s holiness, to hear God’s Word, to offer prayer, and to celebrate the sacraments. Sacraments are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, God’s favor freely given to all which we neither deserve nor can earn. Sacraments are just one of countless ways that God uses material things to reach out to us. The two great sacraments given by Christ are Holy Baptism and the Holy Eucharist (Communion). Other sacramental rites, guided by the Holy Spirit, include confirmation, ordination of clergy, holy matrimony, reconciliation of a penitent, and unction (or the anointing of the sick).
HOLY BAPTISM: Although infant baptism is most common, anyone of any age may receive the sacrament of Holy Baptism, by which we are made members of Christ’s body, the Church. With the outward and visible sign of water, the priest baptizes in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At baptism we (or godparents in the case of a young child) renounce Satan and the forces of wickedness, accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and put our whole trust in God’s grace and love. The congregation promises to support us in these vows, and joins at each baptism in a renewal of their own baptismal covenant or promises. (WWW.BCPONLINE.ORG, PP. 304-5) Baptism takes place therefore in a public worship service on one of the Sundays or feast days specified by the Book of Common Prayer: the Easter Vigil, Pentecost, the Sunday closest to the Feast of the Transfiguration, the Sunday following All Saints’ Day and the First Sunday after Epiphany. Normally there are no Baptisms during Lent (the 40-day period before Easter) or Advent (the 4 weeks before Christmas.) Please call or email the church office if you or someone you know would like to prepare for Holy Baptism.
FEAST DAY | 2021 | 2022 |
The Feast of Baptism of Our Lord/ First Sunday of Epiphany | Sunday, January 10 | Sunday, January 9 |
The Easter Vigil | Saturday, April 3 | Saturday, April 16 |
The Day of Pentecost | Sunday, May 23 | Sunday, June 5 |
The Feast of Transfiguration (closest Sunday) | Sunday, August 8 | Sunday, August 7 |
All Saints’ Sunday | Sunday, November 7 | Sunday, November 6 |

HOLY EUCHARIST (COMMUNION or the MASS): Episcopalians view the Holy Eucharist as the principal act of Christian worship on the Lord’s Day and other major feasts. ALL BAPTIZED CHRISTIANS OF ANY DENOMINATION ARE WELCOME TO RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION IN THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH; YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE CONFIRMED. AT THE DISCRETION OF THEIR PARENTS, EVEN VERY YOUNG CHILDREN ARE WELCOME TO RECEIVE. THIS IS GOD’S TABLE, AND WE ARE ALL GOD’S CHILDREN. Christ commanded this sacrament for the continual remembrance of his life, death, and resurrection, until his coming again. Normally Episcopalians receive both the bread and the wine. However, receiving either one is still considered a grace-filled sacrament. If you prefer not to receive the wine, just cross your arms over your chest and the chalice bearer will pass by without offering you the wine.

CONFIRMATION: Baptized tenth graders and adults not yet formally Episcopalians are encouraged to express a mature commitment to Christ by being confirmed or received into the Church during a visit by one of our bishops. Each candidate is expected to prepare for confirmation, in which s/he will receive strength from the Holy Spirit, through serious study and prayer. If you or someone you know would like to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church from another denomination, please email or call the church.