FUNERALS & MEMORIAL SERVICES: We are here to provide comfort and support to you and those you love during your time of loss. If you would like, we can help you plan the funeral and burial or committal of cremains. The Book of Common Prayer (www.BCPOnline.org) provides several different options for funeral services. Funeral services are followed by committal of remains or cremains in either a cemetery of your choice or in St. George’s Columbarium, located within the sanctuary. Or, you may prefer to plan a memorial service for weeks, months or even a year after the death has occurred. And if you’re not sure which you prefer, please ask to discuss the merits of each. Please call or email the church so that we can help. We pray that you may have courage and faith and that you may find strength to meet the days ahead in the comfort of a reasonable and holy hope, in the joyful expectation of eternal life with those you love. Amen.