We are proud of St. George’s children and teenagers who are active members in worship, service, mission and outreach. We are grateful to their parents for taking seriously the vows they made on their behalf at their Baptisms. And we are indebted to our dedicated Sunday School teachers who are always seeking new ways to share the Good News with our young people who participate in the reading of Scripture, serve as ushers, and provide artistic expressions to illuminate the Psalms read at every service. Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 and meet for about 45 minutes before joining the congregation in worship in the sanctuary. Children from Pre-K to Grade 6 focus on stories from both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. Discussions for our young people from Grade 7-12 focus on life issues and the faith tradition. You can find each week’s theme by clicking here, so you and your family can learn together throughout the week!
Holy Scriptures teach us over and over again that every single one of us is gifted by the Holy Spirit in some unique way. As members of the body of Christ, we ALL have something to give. Jesus’ teachings equip us all to serve. At St. George’s, there are plentiful opportunities to minister – here within our buildings and far beyond their walls.
SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS are called by God to share the Gospel with our youngest members. We are so grateful for their creativity and inspiring dedication!
ALTAR GUILD MEMBERS prepare the altar (or table) for each service, setting the table, caring for sacred vessels, the vigil lamp, linens, candles and candlesticks, seasonal altar hangings, vases, and flowers. To sponsor our Sunday Altar Flowers or the Sanctuary Lamp, please download and fill out a Sponsorship Form

LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS are trained and licensed by the bishop to help the priest to prepare the table for the consecration of the bread and wine for Holy Communion and to serve the chalice to those who wish to receive the sacramental wine. LEMs also bring Holy Communion to those unable to join us for in-person worship.
LECTORS or readers read aloud the Holy Scriptures appointed for the day according to the Lectionary, from the Hebrew Bible, Psalms and the Christian New Testament.
ACOLYTES, often children or teenagers, help in worship by carrying the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, holding the Gospel book and carrying torches.
GIFT PRESENTERS/ELEMENT BEARERS carry the bread and wine from the back of the church to the altar for consecration during the offertory.

USHERS greet worshippers as they arrive, give out the bulletin that provides the order of service, and, when asked, help worshippers find a pew. Ushers also receive the weekly offerings from the congregation and present them at the altar; they also help guide worshippers to the communion rail.
COFFEE HOUR HOSTS start the coffee makers, heat the water for tea and cocoa, purchase beverage supplies and provide light finger food to be enjoyed at fellowship time following the service. Coffee hour hosts welcome all who join in this opportunity for us to share our lives.
SENIOR GIRLS FRIENDLY SOCIETY MEMBERS continue a long-standing tradition at St. George’s of supporting members through acts of kindness and prayer. Typical is their prayer shawl project by which their lovingly knitted shawls, symbolizing God’s loving embrace, comfort parishioners in need of support and concern. Their talents also create warm hats and scarves for mariners at sea. SGF members also make sure that children living in Project L.I.F.E.’s transitional housing receive hoped-for Christmas presents. They meet monthly for prayer, planning and lunch.

TECH TEAM MEMBERS include our young people who teach us how to navigate social media platforms and help our Website Administrators in their ministry of cyber-spirituality! Is this your realm too? Come join our team!